
Additional Occupations

Technology Level nulla - Occupation

Rules: Roll a 1d2 and look below for your results. If your character already is a hunter or a gatherer, than move to the Technology Level I table.

1 - Hunter : The hunter is responsible for bringing back meat on a regular basis. Hunters have the freedom and the skills to be away from home for days or weeks at a time. Starting equipment includes a wood spear (1d5)

2 - Gatherer : Someone who is skilled in gathering edible foods from the wild. They tend to be people who can sense when something is edible or not and can recall where food is found year to year from season to season. Starting equipment includes a Large leather sack.

Technology Level I - Castes

Rules: Follow the rules from above. Now roll a 1d8, on the result of a 8, roll an additional 1d8. This second 1d8 represents the caste of your mother, if you are a female, or the caste of your father, if you are male. If you get a second 8, and your character is male, your caste is a Bastard. However if you roll a 8 and your character is female, you may choose to take the advantage of your mothers caste or you may choose to take the advantage of the bastard. If you are male, you must take bastard as your caste.

1 - Innovator: One of the seven common use-castes. Innovators are individuals selected for their creativity and applied intelligence, responsible for technical and logistical problem solving during a Season. Gets a +1d3 to Artifact Rolls.

2 - Resistant: One of the seven common use-castes. Resistants are individuals selected for their ability to survive famine or pestilence. They are responsible for caring for the infirm and dead bodies during Seasons. Gets a +1d3 to fortitude saves.

3 - Strongback: One of the seven common use-castes. Strongbacks are individuals selected for their physical prowess, responsible for heavy labor and security in the event of a Season. Character's strength modifier is now 1d3 or their current strength modifier, whichever is higher. Character's strength remains unchanged.

4 - Leadership: One of the seven common use-castes. Leadership are individuals who are trained to run the comm or other important organizations. Comm members can be pushed into leadership against their will, if the comm has sufficient need. Gets a +1d3 to willpower saves.

5 - Lorist: One of the seven common use-castes. Lorists do not have comm they belong to and travel around the stillness seeking out and recording stories. Gets a +1d3-1 to their max tech level.

6 - Merchant: One of the seven common use-castes. Merchant have a comm they belong to that serves as their hub or home base. During a Season Merchants will travel home to their comm and join one of the other comms. Character's personality modifier is now 1d3 or their current personality modifier, whichever is higher. Character's personality remains unchanged. Merchants may roll for extra rumors or background information due to their contact with the outside world.

7 - Breeder: One of the seven common use-castes. Breeders are individuals selected for their health and desirable conformation. During a Season, they are responsible for the maintenance of healthy bloodlines and the improvement of comm or race by selective measures. Breeders born into the caste who do not meet acceptable community standards my be permitted to bear the use-caste of a close relative at comm-naming. Children who are not born at the direction of the Breeders during a Season are cast out as bastards and are not granted a share of the comm's stores and may therefore generally starve. Breeders get to pick an additional and different +1d3 bonus from among the birth sign bonuses during character creation.

8 - Bastard: A person born without a use-caste, which is only possible for boys whose fathers are unknown. Those who distinguish themselves may be permitted to bear their mother’s use-caste at comm-naming. Character's luck modifier is now 1d3 or their current luck modifier, whichever is higher. Character's luck remains unchanged.